Thursday, April 5, 2007


Everyone in this house loves excuse to stay at home with the pugs for some quality time and lots of good food. Abby has a thing for bunnies, if you even say the word she runs around the house looking for one.

So, here's Abby with the Easter Bunny! (another amazing photo from Sakana Photography, more to follow in the next few weeks.) Hope everyone has a great weekend.

Wednesday, January 3, 2007


One of the things the Pugs love about Grandma's is her home baked pug cookies. Each pug has their own recipe and will do backflips and handstands to get one. So...we thought we'd share.

Charlie Pug Cookie Recipe!

¾ Cup Wheat Germ
¾ Cup Powdered Milk
1 Egg
4 ½ Oz Jar of Beef Baby Food (not broth)

Combine all ingredients until blended.
Cook at 350 F for 15 min.

Sunday, December 24, 2006

Merry Christmas

We're spending the day at Grandma's with the pugs. Charlie, Abby & Mack are looking forward to lots of turkey and carrots and creating as much of a ruckus as possible!

Happy Birthday Charlie

Here's a picture of our first day with Charlie at home. He was so tiny then!
Today is Charlie's third Birthday. We plan to spend it at home snuggling on the couch and later tonight he's going to his favorite place....Grandma's :)

Saturday, December 23, 2006

Abby now...and then

I've been told that I'm playing favorites since there are so many photo's of Charlie on this site. Oops....didn't realize I was doing that since obviously we love all of them like crazy.'s Abby. She turned two on October 6th (2006) and is the world's most cuddly pug. She's happy as long as she can be held or snuggled by me.
Chris makes fun of her because he says she was the ugliest pug puppy ever....can you imagine saying that to a pug?! I always thought she was pretty.

Sunday, December 17, 2006

Christmas Spirit

8 Days & Counting till Christmas!!! Charlie turns three on December 24th....In only three short years he's managed to teach me so much about love, devotion and complete loyalty. Photo by: Sakana Photography.

Friday, December 15, 2006

Toys, Toys & More toys

We have enough toys in this house for 100 dogs. It's not that I'm crazy, it's just that when you have three dogs the toys really take a beating. They all decide to fight over one toy and the poor thing gets pulled from every angle....if one rips, we usually sew it up but it's futile.

We've performed many toy surgery's in this house and now I'm thinking we should have a graveyard in our garden to bury the poor lions, frogs and monkeys that the pugs decide to massacre. (Can you picture what the neighbours would think! I'll dig my holes in the dead of night....might as well make them wonder!)
Our little guy is the worst with's what we call a "Mack Attack". There's nothing like being late for work and running all around the house picking up toy guts.

Thursday, December 14, 2006

Season's Greetings

Another great shot of Charlie taken by Sakana Photography. Looks like a happy pug to me :)

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Pug Portraits

What do you do when you love your dogs and don't want to leave them at home alone during the day? I chose to work at a Vet Clinic so I could take them with me.

We had these portraits done early 2005 by one of the Vets at the clinic. It's bad enough that she's young, pretty and a great Veterinarian but she has to be a talented artist too?! I feel like such an underachiever!