If you have a pug, you know that one of their favorite things is sleeping. Sometimes I look at them and wish I was a pug...ours can sleep for a good sixteen hours straight and I'm not exaggerating! So, a good bed is very important to a pug. We've tried many dog beds...some have been great and long lasting while others the pugs wouldn't touch.
We first found Seggia Furniture at Woofstock 2006 and fell in love with their beds right away. We now have four of their beds, yes....four. Why? If you pick one of our pugs off their Seggia bed, they will jump right back on. I once did it ten times to Charlie before he finally realized I meant business and he had to get up and do something. They are soft and squishy, easy to clean, look like actual furniture that suits anyone's decor and hold up really well to everyday use. Not to mention they won't break your bank account and they have lots of different styles and tonnes of fabric choices. You'll love dealing with Seggia Furniture........tell them the pugs sent you!
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